At Botanic Pretti5 - Vegan And Cruelty Free (Part 2)
Vegan products do not include any animal-derived ingredients, and cruelty-free products are developed without any animal testing.
The two concepts are independent of each other, yet have somewhat synonymous meanings, as both imply an ethical process for producers and an ethical experience for consumers. If you’ve read 我們的最後一篇博文, you’ll know that Botanic Pretti5 is vegan, but did you know that we are also cruelty-free, and more importantly, do you know why this is important?
In this blog post, I’d like to share with you some of my favorite works for you to understand the importance of both. Just last month, 大化Waititi, the director of massive blockbuster films including 雷神:仙境傳說, 喬喬兔, 綠色燈籠 came out with a stirring stop-motion animation film that highlights a personal perspective on what animal cruelty means. 拯救拉爾夫 is a less than four-minute watch that can make a difference in your journey as a cruelty-free consumer.
Longer works to question non-vegan lifestyles include Okja, a fascinating film that with all its intrigue sends a powerful message on what goes on behind the scenes. For documentary lovers, a recommendation is an iconic 2008 documentary titled Food inc that has become a subject of discussion in many a vegan debate. All are worth a watch and worth your time if you are ready to take the next step and discover what vegan and cruelty-free mean to you.
As you watch each of these films, consider what the underlying message means to you and if it means something to you at all! The larger picture translates itself into our lives as consumers and as producers in little ways like the foods we consume, the clothes we wear, and the cosmetics we purchase. As a producer, our brand, Botanic Pretti5, define with a dedication to creating 100% vegan and cruelty-free products. This is something that we are proud of because it means we are fully embracing an ethical process.
Our brand develops our products in Japan with natural and botanical ingredients. Each step in this process reflects 我們的精神 to be both vegan and cruelty-free.
Empowered with this new knowledge, go forth and have a wonderful day!
Written By Joy Chan