First thing first, THANK YOU to everyone who has been supporting us since day one. 2020 has been a tough one for everyone and it is finally 2021. As the French saying goes, “des haut et des bas.” Highs and lows. It has been a hectic year for all of us, with lows as wells as MANY great highlights. Not to mention we have traveled all around the world for Pretti5, from Japan, Seoul, Italy to France. It is a great honor for our flagship product, Pretti5 – Antioxidant Hydrating Toning Essence, 贏得 2020 年 Cosmopolitan Best of the Best Beauty Award 乳液類別! 時至今日對我們來說還是不真實的,非常感謝媒體朋友一直以來的支持。
In addition to expressing our full gratitude, the Pretti5 team also wants to take this opportunity to tell everyone our story.
Des Haut et Des Bas
From shelter-in-place orders rolling out nationwide, to starting a brand from scratch, it has been a challenging journey for Pretti5. We are just so thankful for all the love and support, empties bottles and repurchases from our customers to keep us going ahead on these rocky roads. Just proves to us that our series of product have the most splendid hydrating power, to keep our skin looking naturally plump and perfectly glowy all day. Winning the Cosmopolitan beauty award this time is not only an affirmation for the Pretti5 team, but also a booster to our customer.
From body to mind, the entire concept of Pretti5 is to combine Eastern adaptogen and Western skin care technology. We have spent a long time working with Chinese medicine to develop formulas to create products that are most suitable for our city women. Our high-quality skincare is designed in Hong Kong and formulated in Japan, with deep roots in Asian culture. We have traveled all around the world to find the best laboratory for our products, and we have landed in Japan and they have amazed us with their level of perfection, even removing products with the tiniest imperfections. Their persistence made us extremely confident in safety and our product quality, to be the very best.
東方理想的融合,西方藝術的點綴,以及全面的美容方法——所有這些都針對亞洲皮膚的獨特需求進行了優化。 我們在這里傳播愛、善意和鼓勵來慶祝我們,我們無法描述我們有多熱愛我們所做的事情。
祝愿每一個勤奮的人,新年快樂,光輝燦爛,2021 年光彩照人! 我希望你和我們一樣喜歡自然的光芒!